07 Acknowledgements



Barna Group wishes to thank our partners at Alpha USA, especially Craig Springer, Todd Proctor, Angela Chadwick, Dane Sanders and David Thomas. What a joy to team up with you to equip the Church to share the gospel!

Many thanks also to our wise and generous contributors, without whose experience and insights this report would be considerably less useful to those doing the everyday good work of sharing faith and equipping others to do the same: Josh Chen, Mary Healy, Michelle Jones, Tim Keller, Kevin Palau and Rufus Smith.

The research team for Reviving Evangelism is Brooke Hempell, Pam Jacob, Susan Mettes, Daniel Copeland and Aly Hawkins. Under the editorial direction of Roxanne Stone, Paul Pastor and Aly Hawkins created this report. David Kinnaman and Brooke Hempell contributed additional analysis and insights. Doug Brown edited the manuscript. Roxanne Stone and Aly Hawkins developed the data visualizations, which were, along with the report, designed by Chaz Russo. Brenda Usery managed production with project management assistance from Jennifer Hamel and Mallory Holt.

The Reviving Evangelism team wishes to thank our Barna colleagues Amy Brands, Bill Denzel, Cory Maxwell-Coghlan, Raven Hinson, Traci Hochmuth, Pam Jacob, Savannah Kimberlin, Steve McBeth, Jess Villa, Todd White and Alyce Youngblood.

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