
Your account just got an upgrade!

Watch the video below to see what’s new and walk through the migration steps.
Ready to get started? It’s easy, just follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Step 1

Check Your Inbox

Our technology partner, Gloo, will be sending you an email.

Click “Accept your invite” or “Get Started” to continue

(If you don’t see your email check your updates or spam folder. Your email is coming from noreply@gloo.us)


Step 2

Enter Your Email

Enter the original email address you used when you first signed up on the old system. (It’s your login email for access.barna.com)

If you already have an account with Gloo, click the “Sign in” link and skip to Step 6.
If not, continue to Step 3.


Step 3

Create Your Account

Create your new Barna Access Plus account on Gloo.

Make sure to use the original email address you used for the old system. (It’s your login email for access.barna.com)


Step 4

Email Confirmation

You’ll get an email to confirm your identity (we take keeping your information secure seriously)
Enter the 6-digit confirmation code.


Step 5

Sign In

Once you confirm your email address, then you can sign in with your email and the password you created.


Step 6

Navigate to Barna Access Plus

Once you are signed in, there are two ways to get to Barna Access Plus:
1) Click on the 9 box icon and select Barna Access; or 2) Scroll down the page to the Barna Access section


Step 7


What if I run into issues?

For technical questions, contact Gloo support. Submit a support ticket or send an email.
Normal response time is within 4 hours.

As always, we’re always here to help! Contact us if we can serve you along the way.

Content will be available for a limited time on the old platform. Get started with your migration today.

Now that Barna is offering plans for teams and organizations, can I change my plan?

Of course! Get Access Plus to equip and empower your leadership team, staff or your church. And save an additional 20% when you pay annually.

Email us to get set up with the plan that’s right for you, without losing a dime from your current subscription term.