11 Acknowledgements



Barna Group offers our heartfelt congratulations to American Bible Society on the occasion of their bicentennial, and our deepest thanks for their partnership in this crucial ongoing research. The “State of the Bible” findings are essential data for anyone seeking to further the Bible cause, and we salute their generosity in sharing this knowledge with the Church. Thanks especially to our esteemed colleagues at American Bible Society, including:

  • Dr. Roy Peterson, President
  • Geof Morin, Senior Vice President of Ministry Mobilization
  • Jason Malec, Managing Director of Mission U.S.
  • Andrew Hood, Managing Director of Communications

Barna also wishes to thank our generous contributors to The Bible in America, which include Claude Alexander, Bonnie Camarda, John Fea, Rob Hoskins, Mario Paredes and Randy Petersen. Your insights bring the data out of the realm of theory and into everyday life—and we are exceedingly grateful.

The research team for The Bible in America and the “State of the Bible” national studies is David Kinnaman, Pam Jacob, Brooke Hempell and Roxanne Stone. Joyce Chiu, Inga Dahlstadt, Katie Fitzgerald, Traci Hochmuth and Megan Pritchett also contributed analysis. Under the editorial direction of Roxanne Stone, The Bible in America was written by David Kinnaman, Aly Hawkins, Cory Maxwell-Coghlan and Alyce Youngblood. Cover and infographics were designed by Nathan Stock and Chaz Russo who, along with Bill Denzel, also offered creative direction to the project. Rob Williams created the charts, graphs, tables and book layout, and Brenda Usery managed production. Amy Brands and Matt Carobini provided marketing support. Cassie Bolton, Elaine Klautzsch, Jill Kinnaman and Todd White kept the Barna office, teams and projects running smoothly.

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