04 Local Faith Leaders Comment on the Findings

Local Faith Leaders Comment on the Findings


Abel Cheah‘I believe Millennials may struggle with a culture of disempowerment or feeling like their pastors aren’t giving them a space to try to grow in ministry, to have a voice in shaping the culture and direction of the church. Being overly directive about opinions and not allowing other perspectives or thoughts be contributed would also cause Millennials to feel stifled’.

Abel Cheah, National Coordinator of Alpha Malaysia


Sidney Mohede‘For the current leaders, travel outside of your comfort zone, go beyond the box of your own church denomination’s leadership style and learn to interact and build communities and network around the globe. Whether we’re from the United States of America, Europe, Australia or here in Asia, we can learn about each other as leaders in how to build and encourage the body of Christ. For the 18–35-year-olds who are thinking about leadership, don’t be afraid of community. A lot of times, the younger generation is so adept with technology and they think that kind of social interaction is enough. But there’s just something beautiful about human interactions and sharing stories, not just on Instagram or Facebook or Twitter, but literally sharing stories while looking into each other’s eyes. I encourage younger generations to reach out more, touch people more, look into their eyes and just start building a community instead of trying to build content’.

Sidney Mohede, Creative pastor at Jakarta Praise Community Church (Indonesia) and ambassador for Wahana Visi Indonesia and for Integrity Music


Juliette Arulrajah‘The majority of Millennials in my circles passionately act with their “hands and feet” if they strongly believe in a cause. They even go the extra mile, excitedly inviting or soliciting participation of other Millennials for their cause, and patiently face or endure through challenges to achieve their goals with positive buoyancy and faith’.

Juliette Arulrajah, Regional Co-facilitator for Transform World Southeast Asia


Tracy Trinita‘For most who grew up in the Church, the message seems boring and irrelevant. It may be due to the way the messenger presents the message, or perhaps the receiver is not ready to learn. For me, I grew up not knowing Christ personally. When I was exposed to Christianity and other faiths in my late teens, I did a comparison study of the religions and found it fascinating that the same questions can have differing answers. I found apologetics to be so helpful, especially to find meaning in our faith by asking the right question and seeking the answer to satisfy both our heart and mind. I’m so glad to know that God doesn’t leave us in the dark. The same Bible I once found to be boring became the greatest book that sparks joy in me and changes the way I see God and life’.

Tracy Trinita, Speaker & apologist for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM)

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