06 Appendix B – Definitions

Appendix B - Definitions



U.S. Parents of Teens 13-17

Self-identified Christian: Identify as a Christian.
Self-identified Catholic: Identify as Christian and as Catholic.
Self-identified Protestant: Identify as Christian and as Protestant.
Non-Christian: Identify as not having any religious faith or a faith other than Christianity.

Church-Attending Christian: Self-identified Christian who has attended a worship service within the past year.
Non-Attending Christian: Self-identified Christian who has not attended a worship service within the past year.

Teen regularly attends youth group: Report their child attends once a week or more often.

Low income: Annual income before taxes is less than $50,000.
Middle income: Annual income before taxes is $50,000
to $99,999.
High income: Annual income before taxes is $100,000 or more.

U.S. Protestant Pastors

Mainline: Selected one of the following as their denomination:

American Baptist,
United Church of Christ,
Lutheran (Evangelical, ELCA),
United Methodist
or Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA).

Non-mainline: All other denominations.
Small church: Adult church attendance on a typical weekend is 199 or less.
Medium church: Adult church attendance on a typical weekend is 200 to 499.
Large church: Adult church attendance on a typical weekend is 500 or more.

Paid youth leader: Church employs at least one part- or full-time ministry staff person dedicated to youth ministry.

Region: Church is located in one of four major U.S. regions: Northeast, South, Midwest or West.
Location: Church’s neighborhood is urban, suburban, small town or rural.
Church ethnicity: Church’s membership is primarily white, black or Hispanic.

Youth Pastors

Small youth group: Teen attendance at weekly youth activities is 50 or less.
Large youth group: Teen attendance at weekly youth activities is 51 or more.

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