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And yet in life every finish line can also be seen as a starting line. So I’m compelled to ask you, “Now what?” What are your next steps in creating a healthier, more generous church?
As seeds require planting and nurture to bear fruit, ideas re- quire commitment and action to yield results. My hope and prayer is that we don’t simply absorb The Generosity Gap as information to enlarge our personal trivia collections. So what’s a next step worth taking? What is at least one thing you will do to make a positive difference in the lives of the people attending your church as it relates to generosity?
I’m not positioned to answer that question for you, though I do have an invitation for you to consider. If you’d like to join with other church leaders to actively ideate and discuss next steps and best practices connected to the topics in The Generosity Gap, I’d love to have you participate in our soon-to-be launched digital community.
Our concept, in a nutshell, is that real church leaders doing real ministry with real people will share ideas and encouragement. For a limited time, you can join the conversation at
That might be a great next step for you. Or perhaps you’ll prayerfully discern a different next step. Whatever paths forward you choose, may God bless you in your work!
Christopher J. Kopka
President, Thrivent Church Solutions Group
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